If you have had to file a bankruptcy and now need to buy a car, chances are good that you're thinking a lot about how you are going to be able to afford the car. You may be worried that you will not be able to get a loan for the car because of the bankruptcy filing. However, we're happy to let you know that we offer a wide range of financing options for all of our customers - including those customers that are looking for after bankruptcy car loans.
Here are a few things that you need to know about how to get an after bankruptcy car loan in Tecumseh that suits your needs:
Get a hold of your finances
One of the first things that lenders want to see when they review a case for a customer that has filed a bankruptcy is that the customer has been able to get a hold of his or her finances. In many cases, people have had to file bankruptcy because of a job loss or other unfortunate circumstance. If this is the case, then lenders may want to see that you have been able to successfully get a job. By showing that your circumstances have improved since the bankruptcy filing, you'll be able to show lenders that you are prepared to be financially responsible.
Understand how a car loan impacts your credit
One of the best things you can do to improve your credit after a bankruptcy is actually to take out a loan that you repay. By taking out a loan that you repay on time and in full, you will show future lenders that you are financially responsible. This action will not only improve your credit history, but it will give a boost to your credit score. Therefore, getting an after bankruptcy car loan in Windsor may be one of the best ways for you to improve your credit.
Refinancing is an option
One of the things you'll want to be aware of when you take out an after bankruptcy car loan is that the interest rate on that loan is likely to be higher than the interest rate on a loan for a customer that has excellent credit. Therefore, be aware of this increased interest rate and know that in the future, you may be able to refinance the loan to have a lower interest rate. Speak with a lender to discuss options that may be available to you.
Contact us today at AutoMaxx Windsor for more information about how to get an after bankruptcy car loan and to get started buying your new or used car today!